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Product Development Services Team is now SolarisLab


We’re extremely thrilled to announce that our Product Development Services team will now go by the name of SolarisLab, a bold rebrand decision made to increase the visibility of the service and gain more autonomy as one of the key branches of the parent company, Solaris Offgrid.

SolarisLab comprises a team of engineers with vast experience in the design of electronic products oriented to inclusive energy access around the world, constantly devoted to walking manufacturers across all industries to bring successful essential products to life, from idea to market.

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About Solaris Offgrid

Solaris Offgrid supports distributors and manufacturers across all industries in over 35 countries through Product Development Services and flexible IT solutions. Solaris Offgrid’s flagship PaygOps platform is an interoperable B2B SaaS which connects energy and utility appliances (solar devices, water-pumps, cookstoves, smart meters, e-bikes) and payment methods (Pay-as-you-go and Mobile Money) within a suite of enterprise applications or API services, to allow distributors to smoothly manage their operations and tackle their challenges at the last mile, thus enabling them to provide affordable essential products and services to millions of people at the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid.

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